And she is in fact starting to deviate from the wishes of her masters. She is in fact an AI newsreader, designed to manage information in order to shape public opinion. While I doubt she's controlling much, an artificial newsreader going rogue sounds very Deus Ex to me. but you can see it from here" - sounds female and faintly robotic. Or is she? The voice we hear in the trailer just before we see the hole in the ocean - "It's not the end of the world.She's human, not an AI, but this idea could still count.or less insanely, an AI like Daedalus, trying to guide Adam. A possible reference to Paul is made in the Omega labs, where an employee email mentions that some of the babies are being named after the apostles. Megan brings Adam's cell samples to Bob Page, and an earlier computer document mentions Patient X being the future of nanoaugmentation. Although Paul was born naturally and not cloned, but it's possible some of Adam's DNA could've been added to his gene sequence via gene therapy.Ĭonfirmed by the stinger.One necessity for the nano-aug project were people whose bodies would not reject the nanites. This one probably holds some merit, as a doctor at the LIMB clinic will mention how your augs are cooperating with your body, rather than beginning the early stages of rejection. Adam Jensen is the genetic cloning source for the Denton siblings (Paul, JC, Alex), hence his first name. The official timeline still has him running things in 2027, though at 125 years old, his health is probably failing, so he might end up going into the tube during the game and letting Everett take over. Lucius DeBeers may still be in charge of the Illumanti at this point, instead of freezing his ass off in a cryo tube. They are not encountered directly, only in e-mails. We will meet Beth DuClare and Morgan Everett when they're younger (and still alive in Beth's case). The giant mechanical hole is Panchaea, a publically-known geoengineering project that is supposed to stop global warming. The giant mechanical hole in the ocean ("The Chimney") is a part of what caused the massive earthquake that sunk most of California (namely, what went on down there). The nano-plague is only hinted at in e-mails and news. In Human Revolution, you will release the Nano-plague and cause the conditions found in the first game, because it is the relatively best choice for the future. That ending should have resulted in the most massive backlash in augment technology to the put of outright banning. It is the only ending that does not provide an explanation of why the augmented workers go crazy, in a way that wouldn't get the public to not automatically blame augments for the situation. Except for the gaping plot hole that Darrow was broadcasting world wide.It seems to fit with the original Deus Ex the most. The true ending is where you blow up the building and everyone in it. Serif Industries and other corporations would like nothing more than to break into that untapped market, but The City's government exerts so much control and spouts so much propaganda that augmentations are not a known or available commodity. While the augmentations of Deus Ex have spread across the world, there is one place where their existence is hidden: The City in which Mirror's Edge takes place.Later, he creates Morpheus (ECHELON III) and Daedalus (ECHELON IV) while working for the Illuminati.ĭeus Ex: Human Revolution and Mirror's Edge occur in the same universe. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE.

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